Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook Author: Department of Defense | Language: English | ISBN:
B005X4O8UQ | Format: PDF
Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook Description
The newest edition of the Special Operation Forces Medical Handbook is perfect and practical for both soldiers and civilians. Nearly 140 comprehensive illustrations show the proper techniques for medical care, from basic first–aid and orthopedics to instructions for emergency war surgery and even veterinary medicine. Questions are listed so that the medic can obtain an accurate patient history and perform a complete physical examination. Diagnoses are made easier with information on the distinctive features of each illness. This straightforward manual is sure to assist any reader faced with a medical issue or emergency.
- File Size: 30696 KB
- Print Length: 416 pages
- Publisher: Skyhorse Publishing; 2 edition (October 5, 2011)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- ASIN: B005X4O8UQ
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #251,041 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
- #65
in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Science > Reference > Medical - #100
in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Safety & First Aid
- #65
in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Science > Reference > Medical - #100
in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Safety & First Aid
I can't express how much information is crammed into this book! It is by far the most detailed and diverse medical guide I have found so far. Being that this is designed for tactical situations and for Military/Government, there are no annoying "Seek medical attention immediately" or "Call 911" references after each section. It is more for the Docs and battlefield or deployment situations. On this note, it is designed for people with medical experience, or at least knowledge in medical terms. No worries there, as there is a very large list of abbreviations in the back... but it can be a pretty technical read. Here are the things I like most about this handbook:
. Very detailed index of terms.
. Trade names of generic drugs.
. SOF Medical Handbook Abbreviations.
. Physical/Mental Conditions.
Now there aren't many diagrams or pictures, BUT the ones that are in there are VERY helpful. This book wasn't necessarily designed to be a pictorial demonstration of how to perform medical procedures. The print is kind of small, so I wouldn't use this as a field guide.. but more of a reference to sit and study to assist in diagnosis. When I say that this book is jam packed with information, its JAM PACKED! Of course there are plenty of blank pages at the end to make notes if you choose to do so.
Also, this is the Second Edition.. which is updated through 2008. That said, it has a lot of information about PTSD and common mental conditions with today's combat veterans. A handful of techniques are explained in regards to moving bodies and using casualty baskets. I was ultimately surprised that it went into dentistry with such detail.. which was awesome. What it comes down to is this.. GET THIS BOOK! Especially for the price, it can save a life and keep your family safe when 911 or emergency units aren't available.
By DB BluBlock Productions
As a corpsman I used this book while in the field without a medical provider or doctor. Would recommend to anyone in such conditions or planning to be. Very in depth and well rounded for all kinds of conditions, keep in mind it has the background that is for a true special forces operator behind lines with very limited medical support. Can be technical and detailed in some areas. The intro states that it was designed along the lines that if the authors had been in the wilderness with basic skills and no medical support how would they treat their family member if they had "x" condition. The book truly takes that saying to heart.
By 20ninjas
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